Friday, 22 June 2012





Infertility Tattoo

Egg retrievel was on Monday ....and it was not so bad as i expected it to be......was sitting and waiting we where two couples waiting for egg retrievel....had to run up and down to sort out some paper work.....i was weeled in at 8am ....i was so scared....they put me on a drip and the kind lady said im gonna sleep nou and that was the last i can remember. I can remember a tug here and there while they where busy with the egg retrievel but was not in a lot of pain.............later on i waked up in a very drowsy state and then fell asleep again for a couple of minutes.......woke up and then decided its time to get dressed......i was not bleeding alot at all and i did expect to bleed.

We retrieved less eggies then what i expected but im still happy with the results......WE RETRIEVED 4 STUNNING EGGIES..i was so relieved.

Now it was the big wait for the fertilization report........phoned the next day and they said 3 fertilized and that embryo transfer wil be on the thursday at half past eleven.

We went on thursday and waited for the transfer bladder was full and i was lying on the bed waiting for our embryo to come. I was so nervouse and excited....FS said our embryos where over achievers normaly embryos are on 6-8 cell on a day 3 transfer.....our embabies was one on 8 cell and the other one on 10 cell....FS was very pleased....hubby was sitting next to me while they transferd the embies and he could see the little bubble go into my womb.....i was so emotional i just started to cry and cry and cry.....

Here is to hoping that my two embabies inside me stick and the one left in the lab will grow big enough to become a snowbaby'

This is going to be the longest two weeks of my life....will be testing on the 2 July.

Im on two days bed rest and FS booked me of for ten days to relax.

Please pray for us as we pray for every couple that struggles to concieve

And a special prayer for you Melody......may you be blessed with a natural prenancy and problem free nine months.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


It has been a emotional two weeks between the scans and not knowing what is going on and if we are still on track.

What i have learned about my body is that i am a real slow res ponder to die stimulation medication. We went from 1 Menopur to 2 Menopur to 3 Menopur and YES we made it to egg retrieval...can still not believe it but yes here we are. 

Egg retrieval went so smoothly.....i must say i was scared shitless.....for nothing of course lol....we had four eggies retrieved......and they are fertilized and we will do the egg transfer on Thursday at 10 o clock.

I feel so truly blessed that we have come this far. There was a couple of times that it was a touch and go that i truly thought that our cycle will be cancelled again due to poor respond but we had God on our side and he has guided and made us strong this cycle.

I had so many people that rooted for me

Thank you God for all the blessing u have showered us with and for listing to our prayers and being there and picking us up when we cant go on anymore.

There is hope for all and i pray that every person going through infertility will focus on God and not give up on there dream. 


Now we pray that our embabies snuggle in my womb and stay there for the remainder of the 9 wonderful months till we can meet our child or children.

Love to all.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Climbing up to the next step.

Had my CD2 scan today and all is good....i will start with the double dose of menopur tonight and down to 10ml lucrin in die morning with baby asprin and folic acid daily.

AF started on day 8 of lurin and i must said this cycle was the worst AF i had had in a long time.

I was crying in pain..the headaches come and go and i picked up 1.5kg. yikes i don't like the picking up weight.

I will be seeing our FS on Friday again to see the number of follies and the size as well.
So my wish for this week is GROW FOLLIES GROW.

I'm very nervous for the scans due to our last canceled cycle....hope my ovaries respond good to the menopur.

Please God bless us with cycle with a little bundle of joy.

All is in God's Hands.
