Tuesday, 19 June 2012


It has been a emotional two weeks between the scans and not knowing what is going on and if we are still on track.

What i have learned about my body is that i am a real slow res ponder to die stimulation medication. We went from 1 Menopur to 2 Menopur to 3 Menopur and YES we made it to egg retrieval...can still not believe it but yes here we are. 

Egg retrieval went so smoothly.....i must say i was scared shitless.....for nothing of course lol....we had four eggies retrieved......and they are fertilized and we will do the egg transfer on Thursday at 10 o clock.

I feel so truly blessed that we have come this far. There was a couple of times that it was a touch and go that i truly thought that our cycle will be cancelled again due to poor respond but we had God on our side and he has guided and made us strong this cycle.

I had so many people that rooted for me

Thank you God for all the blessing u have showered us with and for listing to our prayers and being there and picking us up when we cant go on anymore.

There is hope for all and i pray that every person going through infertility will focus on God and not give up on there dream. 


Now we pray that our embabies snuggle in my womb and stay there for the remainder of the 9 wonderful months till we can meet our child or children.

Love to all.


  1. Hello dear Cecilia
    I read all your journey and I really hope you the best :) I feel the same as you. here is my journey: we got married on august 2010 and we started to try for a baby from April 2011...after few months we visited a gynocologist and finally we found out that I have blocked right fallopian tube and the left one is not in good condition (due to a surgery in my childhood) and thank god that my husband is normal....so, we started to think about IVF. we live in Sweden and here you can have 3 IVF try for free, but the waiting time is so long...so, we registered on January 2012 and we got time to start on June 2012. 2 weeks ago, I started short protocol with puregon 125 IU on day 3 and Orgalutran on day 5...first scan was on day 8 and there was only one follicle (11mm) and the rest were small. they increase the dose from 125 IU to 150 IU and second scan show the one bigger follicle (16mm) and the small ones were not growing...so, we have to cancel the cycle...the doctor told me that you can do the trigger shot and have sex yourself and come back again for next ivf (long protocol) on august. so, I was and I am really disappointed...but, try to keep myself strong because I believe in GOD and I know everything is in his hand :)....I am still hoping to conceive naturally this month or next month....I did trigger shot yesterday morning and the rest is up to GOD.... I am really understand your feeling, your thought and everything you wrote....We have not said our ivf journey to anybody (even my mother) so, we have strong hope that GOD help us in this loneliness....cross my finger for you to get pregnant this time and please update your blog to know how the embryos grow....lots of best wishes and hugs to you :)

    1. Hi Melony

      My hart goes out to you coz i know how u feel...thanx for sharing your journy with me...i know u will get your hearts desire at the end...just believe and fight for it....your welcome te email me or just chat if you feel alone and down or need any advise....Hugs to you....email adress is cecilia.smit2@gmail.com....take care of your self and thanx for the comment...u made my heart warm
