Monday, 24 September 2012


What an amazing scan it was………………we found out the genders of our babies and are so excited to announce that we are having a little boy and little girl.

Baby Boy is 12.9cm and heart beat per minute is 170.

Baby Girl is 12.7cm and heart beat per minute is 170.

Both is growing on track and is kicking and moving like crazy, was so emotional to find out the genders and now it feels so real now.

We are truly so blessed to have these to baby’s.

We also decided on there names:

Lucian meaning light.

Alissa meaning  noble.

Now its its deciding the baby room…….what fun to have baby boy and girl.

Our family is very excited and they have brought gifts of the cutest outfits for the twins.

Next scan is on the 19 Ocotber  and will be a fetal assesment scan.

Today im n full 4 months pregnant and I feel huge already…..morning sickness seems to have ease up and I feel not so tired anymore, we are so blessed to be so far already…..cant wait to hold our babies in our arms.
Thank you Lord.

Monday, 10 September 2012


Yes i caved and made an appointment with our local house doctor to do a scan so that my husband can see the twins as well.

What a special moment...i did not look at the screen a lot as i was mesmerized by the expression on his face as he was smiling and glowing as he was looking at our babies moving all over the scan.

. I think it seems more real to him now that he has seen them so active and busy on the screen.

Babies are doing great...growing very fast and moving around like baby seems to be the one that likes all the screen time popping in the picture as soon as we are trying to measure the other baby. I have a feeling they are going to be as busy as there daddy.

I'm so in love with my took us long to get here but here we are almost four months pregnant with our darling babies.

Hope that every couple that is struggling will soon experience the amazing feeling of being a mommy.

God Bless
Love to all

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


What can i say except that we are extremely blessed to have healthy growing busy babies.

Went in for the fetal assessment and i must admit i was terrified....the lady doing the scans was so nice....and i have to say i am so happy to say that we have upgraded from a downstairs sonar to a tummy usually my brother was the one that joined my appointment. He is my rock.

As i was laying there the lady kept saying LAY STILL...a couple of times and i was thinking geeeeeez woman i am not even moving...I think she saw the puzzled look on my face and  said "no not you the babies"...they where moving around so much she could not scan them. My heart just melted...they are the two most perfect little babies i have ever seen.

Baby A is a full 6.5cm with a perfect HBP of 168. and he\she is a real busy body kicking and waving the arms like she\he is saying hello Mommy can you see me.

Baby B is a full 6.4cm with a perfect HBP of 162. as you can see from my previous posts that he\she is catching up nicely in nice with the sibling. He\she was the calm baby laying there and just sucking thumb.

My baby brother was in total awe because he has never seen a was so emotional and amazing.

Thou our infertility struggle was long and challenging i must admit....God's timing was perfect.

I am 13 weeks and 1 day today and have gained 6kg since we started our ICSI...the tummy is showing nicely and people are saying i am glowing.

I love the tummy .

We are in the process of buying our own home so all is going good.

Symptom wise....just now and then some morning sickness and that is all.

I hope all my infertility sisters receive this special gift very soon.

Love to all....