Went in for the fetal assessment and i must admit i was terrified....the lady doing the scans was so nice....and i have to say i am so happy to say that we have upgraded from a downstairs sonar to a tummy sonar...as usually my brother was the one that joined my appointment. He is my rock.
As i was laying there the lady kept saying LAY STILL...a couple of times and i was thinking geeeeeez woman i am not even moving...I think she saw the puzzled look on my face and said "no not you the babies"...they where moving around so much she could not scan them. My heart just melted...they are the two most perfect little babies i have ever seen.
Baby A is a full 6.5cm with a perfect HBP of 168. and he\she is a real busy body kicking and waving the arms like she\he is saying hello Mommy can you see me.
Baby B is a full 6.4cm with a perfect HBP of 162. as you can see from my previous posts that he\she is catching up nicely in nice with the sibling. He\she was the calm baby laying there and just sucking thumb.
My baby brother was in total awe because he has never seen a sonar...it was so emotional and amazing.
Thou our infertility struggle was long and challenging i must admit....God's timing was perfect.
I am 13 weeks and 1 day today and have gained 6kg since we started our ICSI...the tummy is showing nicely and people are saying i am glowing.
I love the tummy .
We are in the process of buying our own home so all is going good.

Symptom wise....just now and then some morning sickness and that is all.
I hope all my infertility sisters receive this special gift very soon.
Love to all....
Hello again
ReplyDeleteIn Sweden, they put back just one embryo. I will start with synarela (spray) for down regulation and the Gonal -F (175 units). Last time I had Puregon instead of Gonal -F and with 125 and 150 units.
Did you use also Gonal- F?
What about diet? did you eat anything especial ?
Just advise me what I ahve to do to improve my chance .
Morning Melody
ReplyDeleteHope you are doing well....
om my day 21 of my cycle we started lucrin injections 10ml everyday up until die day of transfer.
We also have Gonal-F here in South Africa but my FS put me on 3amps of Menupur per day and i had six follies of witch we got 4 eggies.
Diet is a good idea i lost over 30kg before starting our ICSI. I think the best advise i can give is eat healthy drink lots of water and be positive....and i did bed rest for ten days after the transfer only going to get food or to go to the loo.
Hoping and praying that this is your cycle.
Much love