Tomorrow my Twins will be 1!!!
Cant believe how the time has gone by.
Everyday it still amazes me that they are here ...these two perfect little human beings.
Boy have this all been n rollercoaster ride...My boy is a very big boy tipping the scale at 15kg and a real busy body hes starting to balance on his own now so im sure he will be walking anytime soon..he is a late bloomer in the teething department with his second tooth only sprouting this week. he crawels everyhere and already is a real charmer. He is a mommys boy and very attached to me.
My girl is n real little lady weiging in at 8kg a tine little girl...and she is stealing hearts where ever she goes. As some can remember she had the brain bleed at 2 week old and that is given her a slight set back in the develepment department...she is taking everything slow...except teething she has 6 teeth already and knows how to use them
Im so blessed to have these to blessings from above. Forever Greatfull
How time flies! Congratulations . Hope they had a good birthday